World's last male northern white rhino dies in Kenya

World's last male northern white rhino dies in Kenya

The world's last male northern white rhino has died after months of bad health #wedidthis.

Sundan, who was 45, lived at the OI Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya. On Monday he was put to sleep due to age-related problems.

His death leaves only two bloodline- his daughter and granddaughter- of the subspecies alive in the world.

"His death is a cruel symbol of human disregard for nature and it saddened everyone who knows him,' said Jan Stejskal, an official at Dvur Kralove Zoo in the Czech Republic, where Sudan had lived until 2009."

How is the world reacting?

News of the loss of the earth last male northern white rhino has traveled far.

YouTubers and all worldwide people have posted photos of themselves meeting Sudan on the reserve where he spent out his last years.

Indian cricketer Rohit Sharma shared his sadness with the hashtag #wedidthis.

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Ravinder Singh

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Ravinder Singh Full Stack Developer