What is DRY Principle? DRY Principle Example C#

What is DRY Principle? DRY Principle Example C#

Hello Guys!

Before starting, I have a question, if someone says ten times the same words to us then what we will say, I think, we will say "Don't Repeat Yourself". The same thing we will learn in DRY principle.

We can do coding as we like but coding principles guide us to develop the best program in the long run. There are a number of principles and DRY is one of them.

It would be great if you know about SOLID principles, if don't then please read this article. It is 'What are SOLID principles?' in detail. 

The DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle is a design principle that promotes code reusability and maintainability by avoiding duplication of code. The DRY principle states that every piece of knowledge or logic in a software system should have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation.


For example if we want to log our application's Exception then we can just use following code, but we have to add TRY and CATCH block code in all functions in the program, which is wrong according to the DRY Principle.


We have a problem in our code for error log and according to DRY Principle we should write a code in one place and we will track the error log in our program. We can try following:-

  1. In ASP.net MVC application we can create ExceptionHandler with help  ActionFilterAttribute, IExceptionFilter

    After adding message now let’s register global action filter in Global.asax. For that just open Global.asax file and add new function in it.


  2.  In ASP.net Core we create Custom Middleware. And If you are working on ASP.net Core 6 project then I have a good news for you guys, for error loging you can use my NuGet  RSEasyExceptionHandler package. It is free and time saving! for more detail please check RSEasyExceptionHandler
    For ASP.net Core 3.1 please try this link https://code-maze.com/global-error-handling-aspnetcore/

DRY principle benefits.
The DRY principle encourages developers to write code in a modular and organized manner, where common functionality is abstracted into reusable components or methods, and then referenced or invoked wherever needed, rather than being duplicated across multiple places in the codebase. By adhering to the DRY principle, developers can achieve the following benefits:


  • Code reusability: Reusing code in multiple places reduces the amount of redundant code, which in turn reduces the potential for bugs, makes maintenance easier, and promotes consistency throughout the codebase.
  • Improved maintainability: Having a single, authoritative representation of knowledge or logic makes it easier to update or modify that knowledge or logic in one place, which propagates the changes to all the references or invocations throughout the codebase.
  • Reduced code duplication: Duplicating code can lead to inconsistencies, increase the likelihood of introducing bugs, and make code harder to maintain. Following the DRY principle helps minimize code duplication, making the codebase more efficient and easier to maintain.
  • Enhanced readability and understandability: Code that adheres to the DRY principle is often more concise, modular, and organized, making it easier for developers to understand and reason about the codebase.


To adhere to the DRY principle in C#, developers can use techniques such as abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and composition to create reusable components, and utilize design patterns and best practices to avoid duplicating code. Additionally, using tools such as code analysis tools, automated refactoring tools, and code reviews can help identify and eliminate code duplication in a C# codebase.



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Ravinder Singh

Full Stack Developer
I have 12+ years of experience in commercial software development. I write this blog as a kind of knowledge base for myself. When I read about something interesting or learn anything I will write about it. I think when writing about a topic you concentrate more and therefore have better study results. The second reason why I write this blog is, that I love teaching and I hope that people find their way on here and can benefit from my content.

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Ravinder Singh Full Stack Developer